Saratoga NY Kennel Club Puppy Match

Every Puppy Gets a Gift
$10 per class / Juniors only $5 as additional entry
Entries close at 4 pm Thursday – Judging under pavilion, both rings will run concurrently
When: Thursday, August 7th at 5:00 pm
- To be determined
Trophy Presentations will include:
- Best Jr in Match: Digital photograph presented by A-N Productions, Photo Frame from
Saratoga NY Kennel Club & BJIM Rosette - Best Puppy in Match: Digital photograph presented by A-N Productions, Photo Frame from
Saratoga NY Kennel Club & BIM Rosette - Group 1-4 Winners: Ribbon and Pet Toys
- Best in Breed Winners: Various Pet Toys
08/07/2024 - 08/07/2024
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm